
The onepub import command allows you to login when a Web browser and/or user interaction isn't viable such as in a CI/CD, SSH or Docker environment.

The import command imports a OnePub authentication Token which you obtain by running the onepub export command.

The export command can either display the token to the console or save it to a file.


If run the import command with no arguments it expects to find an environment variable called ONEPUB_TOKEN.

This technique is mostly used in a CI/CD environment which provides a secret store (e.g. github actions).

If you need to import into a shell that you have logged in to, then use the onepub import --ask option.

The value of the ONEPUB_TOKEN environment variable is the authentication token reported by the onepub export command.

Run the onepub export command on your local machine after login into onepub

> onepub login
> onepub export
OnePub version: 1.4.1 

Exporting OnePub token for OnePub.

Add the following environment variable to your CI/CD secrets.


Create the ONEPUB_TOKEN environment variable (this is usually done using your CI/CD secret store).

export ONEPUB_TOKEN=8a3e9999-b79b-46ad-b9dc-968ff99993c1
onepub import

import --ask

If you used the export command to display the token to the console then use the import --ask option and type the token into the console:

onepub import --ask

import --file

If you exported the token in a file then you use the onepub import --file command to import the token.

If you didn't specify a filename when exporting the OnePub Token then the token will have been saved into `./onepub.token.yaml`.

If you run the import --file command without providing a file name then the import command will assume the file onepub.token.yaml contains the token and lives in the current directory.

import --file <path to file>

If you exported the OnePub Token to an alternatively named file or the token file is in a different directory then you can provide the path to the OnePub Token file.

onepub import --file <path to token file>

Last updated